Deputy Secretary of Education visits Wyndham

On Friday 12 May 2023, the Deputy Secretary of Education, Cathy Brennan, visited Wyndham College to meet with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and the Student Representative Council (SRC). The purpose of her visit was to listen to their voices and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face in their academic and personal lives.


As Ms. Brennan arrived on campus, she was greeted by the School Captains. They led her on a tour of the campus, showing her the College's facilities, recreational areas and Tradewynds Cafe, our Industry Training Centre for Hospitality courses. The tour allowed Ms. Brennan to see the College in action and to get a sense of its culture. 


Ms. Brennan was impressed by the SRC members' passion and commitment to improving the College. She commended them on their leadership skills and encouraged them to continue to be a voice for their peers.


After the tour, Ms. Brennan met with a group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at the Yarning Circle. They shared their experiences and challenges, including some work they had been doing in class. They also spoke about the importance of cultural support and recognition within the College community. Ms. Brennan listened carefully to the students' stories and perspectives. She praised their commitment and dedication to their education and acknowledged the importance of cultural recognition and support within the College community.


Ms. Brennan's visit to Wyndham College was an valuable opportunity to hear the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students,  the SRC, as well as staff. Her visit was a reminder of the importance of listening to student voices and incorporating their perspectives into policy and decision-making.