From the Principal's Desk

Sacrament of Confirmation

Please keep in your prayers our Year 6 students (and their families) as the children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday. We hope it will be a beautiful day of commitment, celebration and joy. Congratulations to all!

It's a Girl!

Congratulations to the Mendes family on the safe arrival of little Avery  (sister to Ethan Year Prep). She certainly drew a crowd at 'show and tell' today.


Thank you to all families who have been clearly communicating times when their child is absent from school.


As a school, we are required to be able to account for all student absences including a reason for the absence. Could I please ask that families include the reason for their child's absence in their communication?


Communicating absences to the school is easy!

Either call or email the school directly, email your child's teacher, send a good old-fashioned handwritten letter, or submit the absence via our School App which you can download via the App store or Google Play.

Mothers' Day Breakfast & Stall

On Friday, 12th May we will celebrate all the mothers, grandmothers and other special ladies in our lives with our annual Mothers' Day events.


From 8:00 am until 8:45 am Egg and Bacon Rolls, will be served and of course, we will have the coffee van on-site.


Around 9:15 am students will have the opportunity to go shopping at our Mothers' Day Stall and purchase from a range of gifts to spoil their mums come Sunday. Gifts will range between $2.00 - $5.00 so there will be something for everyone.


If anyone is interested in assisting on the Mothers' Day Stall and you are available between 9:00 -11:00 am on the day, please submit your details via the following form by next Monday 8th May.


Please note that all volunteers must hold a valid Working with Children Check.

Student Portfolios

We hope you have taken the opportunity to celebrate with your child their Term 1 achievements as contained in your child's portfolio. 


It is important that the portfolio be returned to school this week so that we can continue to compile samples.


Over the next two weeks, children will transition into their winter uniform. 


Thank you to families who are handing in completed uniform order forms to the office for pick up at a later time. It is certainly relieving congestion around the office.


Order forms are available from the front office and items can usually be collected later in the day. 



This week we welcomed Miss Jess Kenny to our community as our new Year 1/2  teacher, stepping in for Mrs Chantel Simon (Year 1/B) who has commenced Maternity Leave. We trust you will make her feel welcome as she settles into life at Corpus Christi School.


Ms Aphrodite Loizou will commence her

Maternity Leave a little earlier than initially thought on Monday 8th May to prepare for the birth of her child. It will be an exciting time for Aphrodite and her partner. We wish them well in the lead-up. We can't wait to welcome a new little treasure into the world.

Lunch Orders

Please find below the link to our Lunch Order Price list that we ask you to reference when filling out orders with your children.


I will be away on conference next week so any queries can be directed to Miss Jane Wilkinson or Ms Deborah Courtney.


God bless

Anthony Hyde
