Lower Primary 4

What a hard-working bunch we have in LP4, our students are Ivy, Jordon, Lawrence, Angus, Shilo, Eliezer and Lucas.
We have been working towards a united understanding about shopping, our likes, wants, needs and why through the curriculum and in their writing. We got well acquainted with some interesting characters like Spot, Custard the Cat, Pig the Pug, Pigeon and Curious George through our persuasive texts in Shared Reading.
They have demonstrated an enthusiasm for maths and this term we continue to count, identify, order and add numbers together and also develop an understanding of the concept of time. Seeing great engagement as we investigate things that change over time and using the terms past and present in our history unit.
We have been working towards building positive relationships and peer interactions in Health but is something that is embedded into our classroom daily.
We have made a wonderful start to term 2 and continue to be busy little bees.
Sharla Allen