Principal's Page

Kia Ora Friends


We hope and trust you all had the opportunity for quality family time over the two-week holiday break.

I have to admit I was really in need of a bit of a break and so spent the first few days doing not much in the way of schoolwork - just enjoying the chance to sleep in a bit and then get some good long walks in with my wife.


It is great to be back now - coming back to hugs and high-fives from children, staff and parents is so rewarding and uplifting.


In the holidays I was standing waiting for a coffee in the mall when a young fellow set off into a run and launched himself at me for a giant hug - lucky I saw him coming and could brace myself for impact! 😉 How cool he was that pleased to see me.


Also pretty cool was the email I received in response to the thoughts I shared about the National Party's proposed Education Policy. Again, I am not criticizing the party as a party, simply the policies they are promoting that in my experience have caused nothing but pain and harm previously - both here and overseas.


"I have spent a very interesting hour or two reading not only your contribution but also much of the rest of the newsletter and to say that I am hugely impressed would be a massive understatement. It is a fabulous publication and gives me a really good feel about the whole ethos of the school. (I wonder if the Karamea that coaches your girl's touch is the same Karamea who attended Ranui School all those years ago.)

I think your assessment of the "Luxon situation" is  too well thought out to be hidden in a school newsletter and I would urge you to consider preparing a comprehensive article containing your experiences and your thoughts  for publication in a major newspaper such as the Herald."


My thoughts were shared via an extended interview on National Radio's Morning Report, and maybe there will be further opportunities to share my thoughts and experiences in the months ahead.

Big thanks to Mele James and Tanya Boyd for putting up our ANZAC Crosses display for ANZAC Day and in memory of those who gave their lives for our freedom.

As always - if you have questions or concerns about anything school-related - email me at, and I will get back to you asap.


My very best regards to you all,

Ash Maindonald
