Student Wellbeing  

We thought it a good time to introduce ourselves and tell you about what we offer.

We are a team of three – Milan Colic who works fulltime; Achok Bieth who works four days a week and Jo Webb who also works four days a week. Clearly, we are very available to students, families and carers and school staff.


Because of our diverse professions and experience we offer a unique Wellbeing Support Service to our school community. Today student, family and staff wellbeing are influenced by many, many factors. How young people use, and are influenced by social media; the influence of peers and others around them; the stress of achieving good academic results are just some of the challenges our young people and families face.


As a team we offer a flexible service – we can see students in one-on-one sessions; we can see groups of students; we can assist with  mediation sessions; we can support parents and carers in face to face sessions, on the phone or via Teams; we liaise with many external services and can help with referral to these services if needed; we attend Student Support meetings and consult with other school staff around Student Wellbeing; we organise and assist groups at lunchtime in the CLC and participate in other Wellbeing and pastoral activities.


Support can take the form of a one-time session, or on a continuing basis. Our guiding principle is to provide a safe space to come to where students, families/carers, school staff and external services have someone who is there to listen and help. 


 Students can self-refer via the counseling email, direct email, or DM to a counsellor; by speaking to their House Leader or Learning Mentor, or just by coming up to our area. If a parent or carer has concerns, you are welcome to call the school and ask to speak to one of the counsellors about your concerns.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.