
Patrick O’Connell - Humanities Coordinator

Welcome back to Term 2. It has been an exciting time for students studying humanities subjects at the College. The National History Challenge is back for 2023. The students of St John’s  have been invited to participate in this competition, with winners from each state presenting their research at a National conference in Canberra. The topic for this year is: “Change and Continuity”. More information can be found at:


Last week our Year 7 cohort had the great opportunity to learn about the importance of Sustainability in Australia. Students spent the day at Myuna farm to learn more about sustainability and how they can play a role in helping our environment. Thank you to the STEP team: Ms Annaliese Leon, Ms Sue Keel, Mr Mark Alexander and Mr Nathan Yap for taking the time out of their busy schedules to provide our students with this experience. 


The trip to Myuna Farm was interesting! It was raining pretty much the whole day and it was an incredibly loud place with a lot happening, especially with the noise from the animals. The train ride was probably the best thing I enjoyed because I could sit down and rest awhile also enjoying the nice view! I was less happy to see certain animals that we were next to such as SNAKES. I hated the fact we were around them. The biggest thing I learnt was that sustainability is the key to saving the planet. 

Michael Jouth (CO4) 


Please find attached some brilliant work done on the topic of sustainability in Mr Yap’s STEP class by Abel Abraham (CO2) and Avneet Saran (PH1). 


Finally, I would like to wish all students luck for the upcoming examination period beginning in Week 6. Please take this time to develop an effective study routine and seek out additional support from your teachers. 

Patrick O’Connell