School News

Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday we held our annual Athletics Carnival at Cook Oval. It was great to see the students showing their house spirit by dressing up in house colours and supporting their fellow housemates.


A big thanks to Miss Elise Vinson for her organisation and ensuring the day ran smoothly, as well as the many parents who volunteered their time to set up the equipment and assist at events.


Congratulations to St Andrew’s House who won the total point score, and also to the students for their overall sportsmanship.

Bee Bot Fun

Students from Kindergarten and Stage 1 took part in some exciting activities involving Bee-Bots. The children thoroughly enjoyed guiding the small robots using the forward, backward and left and right movements on a range of alphabet, number and pirate maps!


Thank you to Jenny Campbell and the Narrabri Library for providing the Bee-Bots and travelling to Wee Waa to assist the students on the day.


NAIDOC Liturgy

On Friday 26 July, we celebrated NAIDOC week in our school. We shared a liturgy together, where one of our Year 6 students, Blair Schwager, was able to say a Welcome to Country in language and help lead all of our students in the Acknowledgement of Country. We also shared morning tea and then completed activities in our classrooms. The rocks that students made will be added into our gardens within the next two weeks.


If any families would like to have a go at painting a totem or a story on our rocks (using dot painting styles), please contact the school office and we can arrange for a rock to be sent home for you.


100 Days of Kindergarten

On Monday, Kindergarten students celebrated 100 days of learning by dressing up as if they were 100 years old, listening to music on a record player and playing old-fashioned games such as knuckles, quoits, and marbles. As you can see from the gallery below, the students enjoyed embracing these challenges and really dressed the part!


Book Week Parade

This year we will be holding our annual Book Week parade on Tuesday 27 August, where students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. Please find the invitation and information about the event attached below.

Canteen Roster

Week 3

Wednesday 7 August

Jo Collett, Katrina Murray

Week 4

Wednesday 14 August

Sue Wager, Volunteer needed

Week 5

Wednesday 21 August

Kate Dixon, Amelia Carolan

Week 6

Wednesday 28 August

Fiona Tuckey, Amelia Carolan