oshc & sprout


Sprout will be open on Monday morning for coffee and snacks but closed for the rest of the day due to the whole school fun day. Also, a reminder that next week there will only be sandwiches on the menu except for Thursday which is the end of term BBQ. 

wominjeka everyone,


Just a few reminders before the Summer Break:


Early finish time Friday 20th December.

Please note that school finishes on the last day at 1.30pm. OSHC will run from 1.30pm – 6pm. Last day of school fees will apply $32 (less CSS).


School Holiday Program January 2020:

If you are looking for a School Holiday Program, Moreland City Council are running their first School Holiday program here at Brunswick North West PS. For more information and how to enroll please visit the following website



We understand that places are strictly limited and so we also recommend the school holiday program held at St Bernards Primary School Outside Hours Care service in Coburg. http://www.stbernardscoburg.catholic.edu.au. Ph: 9386 8498


Message from OSHC Committee in response to the 2019 OSHC Survey –  What should be the closing time for After School Care?


The survey is still open for your input. Please sign off which closing time you recommend OSHC should have for 2020 in the sign in area. Please note that an increase in time (i.e. 6.30pm) will mean a small fee increase for next year.


OSHC fees for 2020

We are happy to announce that we will be freezing fees for 2020. However, there has been a change in our “Late Cancellation Policy”. To date, a reduction in fee (in other words, a "late cancellation" fee) has been applied when a casual booking or a permanent booking is cancelled after 6pm for a Before School Care place the next morning, or after 9:30am for an After School Care place on the same day (the set times).  

However, we have found that this policy does not allow us adequate time to make appropriate adjustments to the staff roster and food catering commensurate with any reduced enrolment numbers per session, and therefore avoid incurring unnecessary costs.  For this reason, as of January the 1st 2020, the "Late Cancellation" fee policy will no longer apply.  Any cancellation made after the set times will be charged the full booking amount. 

To avoid a late cancellation fee, please cancel your child's booking through the My Family Lounge app before the set times. 


From the program: