Times Tables

How well does your child know their Times Tables? Knowing Times Tables is an essential part of being a confident learner in Maths.

The Victorian Curriculum has the expectation that students know their Times Tables (up to 10x) by the end of Grade 4. The following is a guide to when children learn their Times Tables, however it’s important to remember that every child will learn at their own pace.


Grade Prep, 1 & 2Skip Counting by 10s, 5s, 2s
Grade 3 & 43x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x
Grade 5 & 6Ongoing mastery of Times Tables and Times Tables division facts


Automaticity is the term used to describe something that has been learned so well it can be easily and automatically recalled. This is achieved through learning, repetition and practice. Although we work on Times Tables often at school, to achieve automaticity WE NEED YOUR HELP AT HOME!

Finding time to practice Times Tables with your child each day can help them to learn. If possible, make this practice part of your daily routine - this might be listening to Times Tables songs in the car on the way to school (there are many available on YouTube), practice after school, at bedtime, at reading time or at breakfast - whichever suits your routine best. There are also many websites and apps dedicated to learning Times Tables by rote to explore with your child. By learning together at home you are also helping your child by showing them that Maths learning is just as important as learning to read!

The benefits of having instant recall of Times Tables facts are well researched. By Grade 5, a student who knows their Times Tables has advantage through:

  • Increased confidence in their maths ability due to fewer simple errors in their higher level calculations, and through being able to solve problems quickly. Times Tables form the building blocks for higher level maths learning and are frequently used when solving more difficult maths problems.
  • Greater available working memory when maths facts are easily accessed in long term memory.
  • Learning maths facts contributes to development of number sense.

Thank you for your support at home, we look forward to seeing some fantastic learning in Maths this year!

Mother's Day

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