Principal's Message

Plans for the Future

As we conclude our building project and settle into the new spaces we begin as a community to look at plans for the future. Some of these are underway and include opening the PAM web portal for parents, reducing the number of communication pathways and changing newsletter format and presentation.

The school will be looking at other changes that will improve the way the school manages in a new and ever changing educational environment. Our School Advisory Committee meets tomorrow night (Thursday 2nd May) at 6.30 in the staff room. If you are interested in being part of the process of helping shape the educational, extra curricular, building and environment and child safe activities of the school please consider nominating to take a place on this committee. Information regarding the meeting and the nomination form can be found on CareMonkey.


We are now using our PAM parent portal to share more and more information with you. Our school has 155 Parent accounts and to date 105 of them have accessed the site. In PAM you can:

- see the school calendar

- see messages (we will try to have a full list of all events for each week itemised there)

- record a Parent Notified Absence (see menu button on top right for this option)

- check your child's attendance to date

In time we will send letters and camp/excursion forms out through PAM.

If you need any help getting onto PAM please contact the office and make a time to see Kate Dourley for assistance.

Mrs Kate Dourley


St Laurence O'Toole Primary School

Leongatha, Vic