School Information

Triple P Tip


Helicopter parents hover over every aspect of their child’s life. They may feel the need to make sure their child does not face any risk or failure. Yet children learn by taking risks.

But this can be confusing for parents – how can you tell if you are just being protective or if you have gone too far?

Take, for example, a child who is learning to climb a tree. A helicopter parent will anxiously hover around telling the child to “be careful”.

Then there are parents who get too involved in their child’s activities. They might do their child’s homework or argue with teachers over poor grades.

Kids need to learn to do things for themselves. And they need to learn by taking some risks and making mistakes. If they aren’t given these chances, when will they grow up? It can get to the point where kids become so reliant on their parents doing things for them that they can’t make decisions for themselves.

The bottom line is, be aware of what you’re doing. Eventually you will learn to be more relaxed about how you monitor your child. You will get used to keeping an eye on your kids while also giving them space to grow.

Canteen News

It would be greatly appreciated if students would order their lunch by recess. Students have been ordering their lunch at lunch time, which has not allowed Mrs Tilbrook time to prepare.


Now available: 120g of Two Fruits or Fruit Salad @ $1.40 each


The Canteen is now using recycable straws.

Is this your water bottle? 

Left at the Junior Development Day in Bencubbin. 

Absentee Notes

If your child/ren have bought absentee notes home from their class, please return them prior to the end of term, so that the system may be updated with the correct information.

Faction Reward

Due to the large amounts of illness, the high standard of participation at school events such as Cross Country, camps, etc, it has been decided that this will become a whole school reward for the term. All students will be invited to come watch on the big screen a movie from 1pm with popcorn provided for all, Friday 5th July 2019. The faction with the highest faction points will be announced at this event and get an extra bonus also.

P&C Busy Bee

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the P&C Busy Bee last week. We are so grateful to our P&C! 

Newsletter Survey

With the feedback we have recieved, we will continue to publish the Newsletter online, with only announcements or adverts going into the Muka Matters.