3/4s Learning from Home  

To parents / guardians of grade 3/4s,


After a fantastic first two weeks of remote learning, we thought we’d turn our attention to what this term has in store for the department.


In term 2, our literacy focus in reading is consolidating students’ understanding of the comprehension strategies of questioning, inferring, visualising and making connections. In writing, students are currently developing their persuasive writing techniques but will soon turn their attention to the Sentence Fluency trait.


In numeracy, we will be looking at developing strategies for mental addition and subtraction strategies, as well as exploring perimeter, pattern, transformation and fractions.

This term, our integrated unit is based around World Geography and will allow the students to explore the climates, weather zones and animals that inhabit countries in Africa, South America and the countries neighbouring Australia. They will also look at how the physical geography of these locations impacts the way humans live and interact when living there.

As always, feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.


All the best

The 3/4 team

Dan, Eliza, Jane, Monica, Libby, Carolyn and Medha