Parent Information


Parents are encouraged to use COMPASS as a tool to check on their child’s learning tasks and outcomes.  These are a great starting point for conversations around what your child is learning and a way to celebrate the growth and achievement they have made.  Parents can access their child’s Progress Report via the ‘free’ COMPASS School Manager App on your phone and or via the internet.  If you do not have a login code or you are having difficulties accessing COMPASS please do not hesitate to contact the school on 51471790 for support in this matter.

COVID-19 update and arrangements moving forward

Dear Families,

Term 2 begins with a pupil free day and, at this stage, students will commence on Wednesday 15th April, 2020.

Throughout this week, all families will be contacted by a staff member to ensure that your contact details are up to date and that your child/children have the resources available to undertake flexible online learning if required during Term 2. If you know your contact details are not updated, can you please contact the school ASAP.  If you have not received a call by Thursday 26th March in regards to this, can you please contact the College on 51471790.

In preparation for the likely move to flexible online learning, all students will be expected to access Compass for their daily work, following their normal scheduled timetable.

This will begin on Wednesday 15th April, if school remains closed to students.

 An example of this is:

  • 9am – login to Compass to access their period 1 instructions from their teacher
  • 10am – access Compass for their period 2 instructions
  • 11am – 30 minute break from learning
  • 11:30 am – access period 3 lesson
  • 12:30 pm– access period 4 lesson
  • 1:30 – 2:15 pm – 45 minute break from learning
  • 2:15 pm – access period 5 lesson
  • 3.15 pm - end of school day

Staff will maintain their availability during their normal scheduled timetabled classes and will be available via email for students to ask questions or seek assistance during the lesson.

Students will be able to access learning resources and tasks on Compass and teachers with provide an overview of the week/unit of learning in advance so they can plan their time and understand what is expected if they miss out on a learning session or day. More detailed information can be found in the attachments named ‘Year 7-10 moving to online flexible learning,’ 'VCAL students moving to online flexible learning' and ‘VCE students moving to online flexible learning.’

During the holidays, please ensure your child abides by the social distancing recommendations in order to minimise the spread of corona virus (COVID-19) and to keep our community members safe. As Prime Minister Scott Morrison & Premier Daniel Andrews have said “these holidays will be unlike no other.” Students/ people should not be gathering with friends, but practicing social distancing.  

We thank you for your understanding and appreciate your constant support. I will continue to be in touch over the coming weeks via Compass as I receive official Departmental advice. Currently different media outlets are providing updates faster than the Department of Education and whilst I understand your interest in this, the information that I distribute will be the official advice coming from the Department of Education and Training.

We wish you all a safe and healthy Easter.

Kind Regards,

Ms Jennifer Roep
