'come & play' Transition Sessions

Thank You for Coming!

It has been wonderful meeting all our CURIOSITY friends and families at our 'come & play' sessions over the past few weeks.


Our hope was to create a space where children and their families were able to come together and build some new friendships.  Thank you all for coming.  A special thank you to our staff who were able to come along and support the set up and pack up each day and to our Stage 4 friends who came to welcome us with bubbles!  FUN!


It was lovely to see children holding hands with their new found 'best friend' and to observe children at their best - creating and exploring through play!  


We hope that these sessions allowed you to take a glimpse of what opportunities your child will have at CURIOSITY ELC.


Thank you for the opportunity to invest in the lives of your children.  We count it a huge privilege and look forward to co-creating with your children in 2020!