From the Director 

'Be Present and Near to Those You Love'

Welcome to this edition of our iNewsletter.  I am sure that your family calendars are being filled quickly as Christmas day is only 19 days away!!!!!!!  Yes, it's true. 

I love Christmas and am often accused of singing Christmas songs all year round.  Much to my husbands 'joy', my children have now caught the habit with our car repertoire often including a sneaky carol or two.  


In 1744, an English man named John Wade wrote a beautiful song that one hundred years later was translated into the carol that is sung today, 'O Come All Ye Faithful'.  It was written out of the recount of the angels announcing Jesus' birth in Luke 2 where they called the Shepherds to come and worship the new born King.  To come together to celebrate a promise that a King would come to bring freedom to all who chose to call him Lord and Saviour. 


This carol was originally written in Latin so when translated, the text literally meant "to be present or near, ye faithful".  My prayer for you and your families this Christmas season, is that you will be able to be 'present' with each of your  treasured family members and friends.  To be able to have the time to stop, breathe, observe and be in a place where you can see the goodness of God in your lives.

God Bless You, 
