Year 4 Spotlight

Year 4 Spotlight
Year 4 students have settled in really well to the term and have been working hard on writing their memoirs. They learnt that a memoir is a memory of an important time or event in their life. Students spent some time exploring what similes are, and included them in their writing.
Here are some well-written passages from some students.
‘A feeling of excitement was passing through the car as our Volvo drove through the lifting gates, and into the carpark.
The black road glistened like the stars in the dark sky above us, while we pulled to a stop.’
~ Sadie C, 4C
‘We got off the bus, and my heart was beating at the speed of light.’
~ Jethro L, 4C
‘While Jacob was looking at a leaf, I wobbled over and imagined that leaf was a boat floating on calm water, with fireflies and willow trees all around.’
~ Shyla KF, 4A
In Inquiry we have been learning about local councils and have been creating our own council in little groups. Across different sessions we have been planning our council name, our values, our services, our rules and laws. My council is called ECO, it stands for Environmentally friendly, Community and Opportunity.
~ Abigail M, 4B
We have gone into small groups to create our own local council. My group’s council is called Eco Council. Our services that we provide are a soccer club, art classes, gardening classes and pet training. One of our rules is ‘No harming plants or animals’ and one of our laws is ‘No driving over the speed limit.’
~ Margot D, 4B
The Year 4 students enjoyed participating in the Harmony Day activities, and had these reflections:
- I really enjoyed going to the disco and it was fun! ~ Afoley O, 4C
- It was fun making paper dolls because we could make them into different characters. ~ Audrey M, 4C
- I made a paper chain and wrote on it that I would respect all cultures, countries, and religions. ~ Heather C, 4C
- I really liked how some of the Year 6 students thought of a fundraising idea, and spent their time helping others. ~ Elly, 4C
- It was really fun performing in the choir to the Preps - Year 2. It was a very exciting experience. ~ Cass D, 4A
- We made drawings with our buddies, of people dressed in Harmony Day colours, and put them in a poster. It was wonderful to be able to explain about Harmony Day to our buddies. ~ Rylee D, 4A
~ Year 4 Teachers (Chiara, Jade & Elise) and Students