Sustainability at FPS

Sustainability News Across the School
Sustainability has always been a priority at FPS and now that we are feeling some normality back at school, it’s time to ramp it up!
Eco Club is up and running!
Eco Club is a lunch time club for Years 4 – 6 students who are environmentally minded or just want to learn a little more. Eco Club meet at the first half of lunchtime on a Wednesday afternoon in the 3D classroom.
Nude Food Fridays
We have noticed that rubbish is starting to creep back into our playgrounds and consequently our waterways. With this in mind, we are hoping that leading into term two, FPS will have nude food lunch boxes each Friday. Eco Club have designed some colourful posters advertising this new school initiative. The hope it that students become environmentally aware when shopping at the supermarkets and this is reflected in our lunch boxes around the school. Keep an eye out for more information about this.
Veggie Boxes!
You may have noticed that the veggie boxes behind the Year 1 buildings have been used for digging lately, EcoClub are hoping to change this and use the veggie boxes for what they were intended for… veggies! Over the next few months Eco Club (with help from families) will give the boxes some TLC and plant, water and care for some veggies. Look out for some delicious foods this spring!
The staff and students at FPS have been working hard to educate themselves about the different classroom bins and where all our rubbish belongs. Each classroom has five different bins on offer:
- Landfill bin (unrecyclable materials)
- Paper bin (emptied into our large school paper bin)
- Hard plastics (emptied into the school yellow waste bins)
- Soft plastics (recycled through the RedCycle program offered at Coles and Woolworths)
- Compost (emptied into our above ground compost bins)
Lunch Orders
We all know that Wednesday lunch times can create a lot of waste due to our lunch orders. With this in mind, we are working hard at FPS to make sure we are distributing our waste in the most efficient way possible.
We recently learnt that the wrapping that our sushi and edamame comes in can be placed in the compost! Yes, the compost!
Next time you or someone you know orders sushi in your lunch order just simply cut off the tape (unfortunately this can’t be composted) and place that in the landfill, then place the larger wrapper straight into your class compost bin!
Stay tuned for more sustainability news across the school.
~ The FPS Eco Club and Sustainability Committee