Challenge & Enrichment Program

Challenge & Enrichment Program at FPS
Throughout term one, students in Years 5 and 6 have been given the opportunity to participate in the Challenge and Enrichment Series. This series, organised by the Department of Education, provides extension activities across the curriculum to nominated high-ability students.
The mathematics program, ‘Crazy Cubes’ was run online by Monash Tech School. The goal of this session was to solve a difficult puzzle involving four cubes. Students tried to solve the puzzle, through construction of their own four cubes. Students used graph theory to find a solution to the puzzle and asked themselves whether the solution found was the only solution possible.
The literacy program, ‘Writing for the Screen’, was run virtually through ACMI. Students were given the opportunity to learn how to:
- Find inspiration around them and develop story ideas,
- Learn how to structure a film story, examining the beginning, middle, end and everything in between,
- Discover how film scripts are different from other written stories
- How to write simple and engaging pitches for their own screen stories.
Next term, students in Year 3 or 4 will have the opportunity to be a part of the program. Emails will be sent out shortly to selected students.
~ Chiara Vaiani Minchinton, Student Excellence Program Coordinator