Danny and Ashton, fishing

Anzac Day


Ed's great grandfather's uniform
Grade 4 presenting
A moment of silence
Harper S and Mackenzie
Ed's great grandfather's uniform
Grade 4 presenting
A moment of silence
Harper S and Mackenzie


Thank you to our grade 4 students, who presented a special ANZAC day commemoration service. They researched and presented with maturity and our students and parents very much appreciated the seriousness and solemnity of the occasion. 


Note: In the above photos you can see Emma with a trumpet . This trumpet was brought in by Ruth, one of our Education Support staff, who tells us it was originally carried in World War Two by her father. 



Cross Country


Max and Josh
James and Gabriel
Lia and Holly
Jack and Eli
Max and Josh
James and Gabriel
Lia and Holly
Jack and Eli



Mothers Day 



A big thank you to the parents who helped with our mothers day stall, and Happy Mothers day to all of our mums for this Sunday!


Production Rehearsals


Big Finish
Big Finish





Sia: "I drew my bed really well and I am proud of my writing". Sia's work on the word of the week is wonderful!


Check out Mrs May leading a fun activity with our enthusiastic preps and take a look at the sharks (with their scary teeth) that Georgie and Bauti created.

Mrs May and her fan club
Mrs May and her fan club


Grade 1 and 2


Will W (2G):  "We are going to build a garden behind the portables that will have native plants that the aboriginal people eat, such as Pig Face, Davidson's Plum and Native Ginger. We created our own bird's eye view map of the garden. I included a picture of a bee because we will have a native bee hive."


Lilly (1B): "We were talking about turtles and how the plastic in the ocean kills them.. We drew pictures and labelled them."


Lachlan (1B): "We did before and after charts about the mother turtle laying her eggs and the babies hatching."


Amelia (1B): "I labelled the picture. I included labels for the head, the legs, the shell and the body." 



Violet, Frankie and Vivi
Will W
Lilly, Lachlan and Amelia
Violet, Frankie and Vivi
Will W
Lilly, Lachlan and Amelia


Grades 3 and 4


Haris (4S): "The whole class is making cards for Mothers Day but I can't show you because I want it to be a surprise for my Mum on Sunday. My Mum is special to me because she helps me a lot and cares for me."


Henry (4E): "I used a lot of warm colours for my painting. We had to be careful not to get paint everywhere. It is based on the work of indigenous artist Minnie Pwerle"


Take a look at the beautiful pieces created by Henry, Luca, Luke D, Maddie and Victoria!

Francesca and Wynter
Grade 4
Michael and Yianni
Aubrey, Rosie and Bella
Maddie and Victoria
Luca and Luke
Francesca and Wynter
Grade 4
Michael and Yianni
Aubrey, Rosie and Bella
Maddie and Victoria
Luca and Luke


Grades 5 and 6


Grade 5


Darcy (5C): "I am writing a persuasive piece that teachers should get paid more. One of my main arguments was that teachers teach us how to be smart, polite and educated adults" - check our Darcy's draft in the pictures below. 


Lottie (5C): " I wrote a narrative about a girl called Josie. She and her dog get lost and she finds necklace that has the power to show her a map..." Read Lottie's story below!


Sebastian (5W): I did some persuasive writing about recycling. When rubbish goes into landfill it can get into the environment." Read Sebastian's argument below!


Grade 6


Our ICT Captains, Brody and Harvey, are planning a lunch time club: "We are planning on using Bee Bots and maybe doing some scratch coding. It will be fore preps, and grades 1 and 2. It will be every Monday until the end of term. We have a schedule and we are working out what we will do in each session"


Our Media Captains would also like to remind you to tune into 88.3 Southern FM at 7am on 12/5 for their next radio show!

Darcy's draft persuasive writing
Harvey and Brodie
Darcy's draft persuasive writing
Harvey and Brodie


Sebastian's persuasive text:

Why We should Recycle


I think we should recycle bottles because it is harming our planet. If you don't do your part then don't think about your future and don't let your hopes reach too high. So let's recycle.


For starters, if you just bin a bottle it goes to a landfill and when it rains it can end up on roads, the sea and fish can eat it so it dies. But if you recycle that bottle it will go to a recycle plant and get melted down into stuff and get turned into other everyday things.


Secondly, when something ends up in a landfill over time it can turn into carbon and pollute the planet, make even more trees die. If trees die we don't have much hope left so that small little bottle shall be guilty as charged but by then we won't be there to do his court sentence so when aliens come to see us they will only find ruins of us.


And thanks for reading my writing. I hope that i have convinced you to recycle more and now you know more about bottles. 


The end



Charlotte (Lottie)'s story:

Josie and the lost necklace


There once was a young girl named Josie, she had a border collie named Leo. Years ago when Josie was playing in the garden with Leo she wandered off into the woods, she was there for days, months and then it turned into years.


“Come on Leo let's go this way!” Josie shouted as Leo ran towards her, but as they were walking Josie stopped, she saw something glistening in the distance, she walked up to it with Leo trailing behind her and when she got close enough she realised that it was a necklace, she put it on and all of a sudden a map appeared in front of her showing the way home! “Leo, Leo I can see the way home, follow me!”, Josie exclaimed 


They had been walking with the magic necklace for a few days now, and it has really helped, they are now only 57 kilometers away from home but as they were crossing a long narrow stream the necklace fell off and seconds later Leo and Josie were watching the necklace travel down the stream. As it picked up the pace Josie and Leo ran down beside the stream to catch up “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, That necklace was our only hope, we need to find it!” Said Josie solemnly.


They had been running after it for a solid ten minutes, and just as they caught up Leo stopped “What are you doing Leo?” questioned Josie, and then just as Josie was about to keep going Leo jumped in the water and retrieved the necklace “THANK YOU LEO NOW WE CAN GET BACK HOME!” Shouted Josie happier than ever     


Leo hopped out of the water, wagging his tail and overwhelmed by how many pats he was getting. They walked for about a week longer and then successfully made it home, Josie’s whole family was overloaded with emotions but the only thing that mattered was the fact that the found the necklace and made it home safe and sound.


                                                           The End