
Josy Reeder

 2022 Lunch Clubs

Lunch clubs will resume in Week 4 - Monday 16th May!!


Making lunch times extra special! 


Lunch clubs are completely run by the dedication of our wonderful staff at OLA. Staff volunteer half of their lunch time and run a club for students to attend, learn, socialise and enjoy! 


Students are very fortunate to have a variety of them on offer each week.  Lunch Clubs provide students with other options of play rather than outside play during half of their lunch.


Lunchtime clubs at OLA offer students the opportunity to engage and participate in activities that they enjoy and are passionate about, socialise with groups of multi-age students, 'take a break' from the playground or try something new. 



Day of the Week





Sarah D




Tuesday & WednesdayWeeklyWakakirri is a national story-dance competition. Students in Grade 5 and 6 are invited to participate in our annual competition entry, using movement, acting and dance to tell a story. 

Drawing Club



TuesdayWeeklyCome with your pencil case and enjoy some quiet mindful time colouring in and drawing. 

Computer Club 

MegThursdayFortnightlyCome along to play different apps and online games.

Chess & Cubing Club




CCC - Chess & Cubing Club

Come along to play a game of chess or further develop your cubing skills.





WednesdayFortnightlyCome to the Library and enjoy some quiet time. We will read books, talk, draw or do some other quiet activities together. 



Di Mac


TuesdayWeekly Come along for a sing a long! 

Taiko Drums 

HeleneThursdayWeeklyGet together to play some exciting rhythms using Taiko drums. Loud but always fun. Come along, learn some pieces and enjoy the beat


Buddy Program at OLA

At OLA we offer our Prep and Grade 6 students a program called ‘Buddies.’ It is one of the many ways OLA helps prep students settle into school, as well as promoting and developing leadership skills in our senior students. Buddies meet regularly throughout the year to complete fun activities together. These activities include literacy and technology activities, Maths games and craft. The program has an extremely positive impact on both the Prep and Grade 6 students.


Benefits of the buddy program include:

  • Prep students having another positive role model within the school
  • Prep students having someone to go to if they are worried/scared in the playground
  • Prep and Grade 6 children developing new and positive relationships
  • Grade 6 students taking on and developing responsibility
  • Grade 6 students are learning how to be a positive role model for other students. 

Here is some Buddy fun! Our Grade 6 and prep students are having some fun tracing each other in chalk.  


Grounding Techniques for Anxiety

Grounding techniques are simple yet powerful ways to help us to manage strong feelings in the immediate term. Grounding techniques allow us to connect to the present moment and takes us away from the stories in our mind that often fuel anxiety.   

Grounding techniques are useful for settling ourselves when we’re feeling overwhelmed or have strong emotions. When we practice grounding techniques, we can connect to the present through our body and senses, which can keep ourselves calm.  These techniques help children and teens when they are hyperaroused or hypoaroused and outside of their ‘Window of Tolerance’.

If children or teens find themselves feeling stuck with strong feelings, they can use grounding techniques that are simple but powerful and only take a few minutes. These all help to feel anchored in the present and restore balance in body and mind.  


5-4-3-2-1 Technique

  • Guide children through the 5,4,3,2,1 technique.  In this technique, they are intentionally taking in their surroundings using their senses.
  • Notice 5 Things you can see (inside room and outside room), 4 things you can feel (teens touch them), 3 things you can hear (guide them to sounds inside the room and outside the room), 2 things they can smell (have some herbs or oils or similar ready) 1 thing they can taste (have a mint or piece of chocolate ready). 


Deep Breaths

  • Take 3 deep Mindful Belly Breaths, extending out the exhale. 
  • The exhale switches on the parasympathetic nervous system which is immediately calming.


Body Awareness

  • Sit or lie down comfortably. Take a few deep breaths.
  • Place both feet on the floor.  If you are lying down, bend the knees so the feet can press into the floor. Notice how your feet feel and any sensations you can notice.
  • Move your feet up and down for a moment.  Notice any more sensations.
  • Press your palms together, then release. Repeat and notice sensations.
  • Rub hands together, then pause and notice sensations.
  • Take a few more deep breaths and notice any body sensations.


Read Affirmations

  • Read out loud a favourite affirmation.  This is best practised and chosen when in a calm state, so it feels like second nature.
  • Have these stuck up somewhere to look at and read when needed.


  • Take a nice long shower or bath. 
  • Use essential oils or bath bombs to engage the senses.


Connect to nature

  • Sit somewhere in nature where you can soak up the environment.
  • Research shows just looking at pictures of nature relaxes the mind.
  • Close your eyes and feel the sun on your face and listen to sounds.


Call someone

  • Call a friend or someone who cares about and share how you are feeling.
  • ‘Naming’ how we feel helps to ‘tame’ how we feel.
  • Share what is worrying you or upsetting you.


Move your body

  • Do any type of exercise where you are moving your body.
  • Using your body and focusing on your body is calming to the nervous system and helps to switch off the stress system. 


Josy Reeder

Learning Diversity/Wellbeing Leader