A message from the Principal

Welcome Back to term 2

I hope that you have all had relaxing and enjoyable Easter breaks and it was wonderful to see your children back at school this morning and to hear about their school holidays.


As we start the new term, there have been a few changes made to our COVIDSafe settings. It is really encouraging to see these relaxed restrictions and the step towards greater normality that they represent. 

Face masks

While recommended, face masks are not required in any school setting. This means students in grades 3 to 6, staff and visitors in primary schools are no longer required to wear them. Any student or staff member who wishes to wear a mask may do so, including those who are medically at-risk.

Screening requirements

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation. This was previously 8 weeks.

Household contacts

Students who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are no longer required to quarantine. They can return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times within their 7-day period and wear face masks indoors if they are aged 8 and above (unless they have a valid exemption). If your child is a household contact of a COVID-19 case (due to someone else in the home testing positive), we do ask that you inform us of this so we can help to manage this safely (and provide you with additional rapid antigen tests) whilst they continue to attend school. If your child returns a positive RAT result during this period, they must isolate for 7 days and not attend school.

RAT screening program extension reminder

The supply of RATs will continue for the first 4 weeks of this term. The screening recommendations remain the same with children asked to test at home twice each week. A further pack of 5 RATs will be sent home with your child this afternoon and we ask that you continue to test your child to help us stay on top of Covid numbers.

Testing positive for Covid 

If your child returns a positive covid test, the process remains the same as during term 1. You must quarantine your child for seven days and you must advise the school about the positive result. Your child must stay home until their symptoms have resolved and they are well. You must also report your child’s positive test to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398.Isolation learning materials will be provided to you by your child's class teacher. 


We are really happy that these relaxed measures will hopefully lead to a less disrupted term with fewer students and staff members absent from school whilst they isolate.


Neil Scott
