
Jacqui Dunstan
Wonder Leader
There have been no second-year blues within Killester’s design thinking Wonder Program. Both staff and students have embraced their creativity and problem-solving skills as they embarked on new and exciting projects.
Killester itself - both the here and now as well as beyond - provided the platform for Term 1 projects. For Year 7s it meant looking at what it meant to be a member of the Killester community. This included looking back at past uniforms.
The Year 8 students built on the 2023 College theme of Be Strong, Be Brave, Be You and embarked on a celebration of Courage. This included a number of opportunities for the building of new relationships through a range of collaboration activities.
The Year 9 students began to look at life beyond Killester’s protective walls. They took the chance to explore a range of different careers, hearing from some alumni about their post-school journeys.
All members of the Wonder staff team had the chance to work with American Professor, John Spencer. He looked at our program and was impressed by its rigor, authenticity, focus on twenty-first-century skills, and the extent to which students are provided with voice and choice. Given this is only our second year of the program we were delighted with this feedback and are working on implementing his suggested improvements.
The joy of working in Wonder is that it is ever-changing. It is never dull and predictable. We never know where the students will take their journey. We are just excited to be on this journey with them.