Staff Spotlight

Emily Breslin
Throughout the winter of 2021, I was trying to survive yet another lockdown by watching the Olympics. I had never stepped foot on a diving board before but I was fascinated by watching the platform and springboard diving events. I decided that I was going to sign up for a learn-to-dive class as soon as we got out of lockdown. I found a club that offered adult diving classes and I signed up for my first lesson as soon as I could, which was November 2021. I was equally excited and nervous about trying something new at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be one of the best decisions I was going to make, or one of the worst.
My first diving class was full of so many different emotions. I was happy to meet a couple of adult divers, who are some of my closest friends to this day. I was humbled by watching so many talented divers, most of which were around half my age. I was nervous that I was going to make a fool out of myself. I was worried that I would be the oldest and least skilled diver at the club. But most of all, I was proud of myself for showing up. I showed courage, I took a leap of faith and I will be forever grateful that I did so.
This journey has not been an easy one. I have endured too many splats to count! I am constantly covered in bruises, I have hit the board multiple times, I have had to conquer my fears and overcome mental blocks. I have had to train through injuries, and I often have sore muscles which make even easy tasks a struggle. I have also had to become very organised to be able to attend the rigorous training schedule while holding a full-time job and making time for family and friends. I train four nights a week after work and it takes me at least four hours to get to the pool, train, shower and get home each night.
The past year and a half of diving has been full of so many incredible experiences. I have had the opportunity to compete in Melbourne, Mildura, Adelaide, Sydney and on the Gold Coast. My competition highlights would have to be winning the Pan Pacific Masters Games, 30-34 years female, in all individual events in November 2022 and winning the Australian Age Diving National Championships, 25-34 years female, in 3m Springboard in the April school holidays 2023. I also managed to win a couple of bronze medals at Nationals for 1m Springboard, 25-34 years female, and 19+ years mixed Synchronised Diving.
I thought my competitive sporting days were over when I retired from trampolining in 2005, but I have had so much fun giving it another go in a new sport. I have made so many amazing friends in diving who live all around the country. I am a much fitter and happier version of myself, and I am so proud that I have achieved every goal I have set for myself in diving so far. If any of you are considering trying a new sport or hobby then please use this as your encouragement to give it a go! Remember that you are never too old to try something new and you have so much more to gain than you have to lose.