Alumni Snapshot Request

Sallie Tran
Marketing and Social Media
I would first like to extend a warm welcome to our newest Alumni members - the Class of 2022! I am thrilled to introduce myself to our wonderful Alumni community. My name is Sallie and I have been with the College since 2014. I initially started here as a School Operations Officer working alongside Assistant Principal: Engagement, Operations, and Transition; Loreto Cannon, assisting with the creation of the College timetable and daily organisation.
In 2021, I was offered this wonderful opportunity to work in Marketing and Social Media. Within this role, I have had the pleasure to do a handover with Kylie to oversee our Alumni. I am here to help you organise reunions, update the Alumni with College news, and answer any post-graduation questions you may have.
As part of my role, I would like to build a database of snapshots of our Alumni career pathway journeys, whether they be unique, traditional, or varied. The purpose of these snapshots is twofold - we hope to inspire and encourage our current students, as well as keep our alumni informed on their classmates' journeys. Once we have the database going, I will include these snapshots in future Alumni Newsletters and highlight them on our social media platforms.
We know that our students have found these snapshots hugely beneficial as they consider what career to pursue. Throughout the year we have programs such as Wonder or Dare to Dream Week, where we invite Alumni to speak to our students about their post-graduation and career journeys. So this database of Alumni Snapshots will assist our students to connect with Alumni within the field that they are interested in.
I would like to invite our Alumni to click on the button below to fill out a Google form for Alumni Snapshot and to email a high-resolution self-portrait to accompany your Alumni Snapshot.
If you have any news that you would like to share with our College community, we would love to hear it! We always look forward to celebrating our Alumni's achievements and milestones.