Music Department

The Killester Music Department is finally all together upstairs in the gorgeous Tullow building, with three lovely classrooms and six instrumental music rooms. Our classroom, ensemble, and instrumental music program are now working together in the same space, allowing us to share our achievements more easily.
We’ve been working hard to create a space where students feel happy and safe, but also challenged. Nothing makes us more joyful than walking around during lunchtime and seeing every room full of students making music.
The Wonder program in Years 7 – 9 has given students the time and opportunity to create their own bands, choose their own repertoire, and develop the skills of musicianship, leadership, and group dynamics negotiation. This has led to a growth in our contemporary music program.
Last weekend we took nearly seventy students away on a music camp for three days of music-making and building social connections. This is our third music camp and it’s proven to be the highlight of the music year.
We’re extremely grateful for the support of the Killester Leadership Team in supporting our staff and students. We couldn’t do what we do without this support.
Bernie Hickey, Katy Addis & Jeff Vague