Rehearsal day- Years 4/5/6.WEDNESDAY 21st JUNE

Time- Buses leaving in shuttle style from 9:00am

Buses will return by 2.30pm

Wear- Full school uniform

Bring- Water bottle, lunch and snack in a bag (there is no canteen available to students on this day.) 

Bring Asthma puffer if needed

Rehearsal day - YEAR 3. WEDNESDAY 21st JUNE

Time- Leaving on buses straight after recess and returning by lunch.

Bring- Nothing is needed for the bus trip (lunch and recess will be at school)

Please just bring named drink bottles.

Production night- Years 4/5/6. WEDNESDAY21st JUNE

Time- Students arrive at 6:00pm via the loading dock of Bunjil Place.

Students have been shown this during the day rehearsal. 

Teachers will be waiting there to sign them in. 


Parents need to transport their child to Bunjil. Parents will need to park and walk their child to the loading dock.


Bring- Water bottle and a “clean” snack, such as an apple, muesli bar etc (not too much rubbish or food). A book, colouring, travel game, quiet activity- NO TECHNOLOGY or electronic devices.

Wear- Black top, black pants, black shoes, black socks as checked by the class teacher. Hair style is personal choice.


Pick up- Parents will need to SIGN their child out from their class teacher after the production between 8-8:15pm. 

Please remain patient as this will be a busy time of night with 450 students to dismiss.


Year 4 drop off - LOADING DOCK.

Year 4 pickup - in the STUDIO.


Year 5 drop off- LOADING DOCK. 

Year 5 pickup - RIGHT DOORS- at the bottom of the staircase.


Year 6 drop off- LOADING DOCK. 

Year 6 pickup - LEFT DOORS- near the cafe.


Parents will need to park and walk their child.


Main cast:

Are asked to arrive from 5.50pm to the loading dock.

Don’t forget to wear your costume for your class item if you are getting changed and shoes needed. 

Ball guests do not need to arrive early as they are with their classes until after interval.


Main cast can wear minimal make up, some foundation and eye liner at the discretion of parents. 

This must be applied at home before arriving at Bunjil Place.

Hair style to suit your character/costume.