Student Leaders 2023


Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jayden Harry

Message from our Sport Leaders - Jordan & Jayden

Well done to those students who competed in Hoop Time and AFL Gala Day.


Here are the results from Hoop Time: Hillsmeade Huskies won


Here are the results from AFL Gala Day: All teams won



What we have covered this term:

This term during our weekly meetings we have met to discuss upcoming events and 

focus on developing our leadership skills. Some of the things we have worked on so far are: ​

  • Looking at who our role models are and how to be a role model for our peers​
  • Who looks up to us and how we can set good examples​.
  • How to get others on board with their ideas.​
  • Reflecting on our leadership skills from Term 1 and identifying areas for growth this term.​
  • Looking at why we love Hillsmeade and what we can do to make it an even better school​.
  • Identifying leaders that inspire us.​

Our leaders worked together to create an Active Afternoon for Education week to promote the theme "Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate". They created house activities for the sub schools and ELC and designed a poster to promote the week. ​ This term they also identified an area that we could work on as a school to make Hillsmeade an even better place. The leaders recognised that not many students were attending our lunchtime clubs. They decided to survey the students and see what clubs they would be interested in.​ For Term 3, the leaders have put together a list to update the lunch time clubs and will run the clubs themselves with the help of the supervising teacher. ​


Learning Leaders    

Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman

House Leaders                                    


Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida
Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida


SRC Leaders 

Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea