Year 3 Update

3A-Mrs Oakley 3B-Miss Monagle 3C-Miss Keller 3D-Mr Wright 3E-Ms Ziino

3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino
3A-Mrs Oakley
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus
ReadingWeek 8 and 9: To understand how to 'infer' from a text. 
WritingWeek 8 and 9: To understand how to write procedures. 
MathsWeek 8 and 9: To understand location and transformation. 

Inquiry (Health)


Week 8 and 9: To understand and investigate countries that neighbour Australia. 
Social & Emotional Learning

Week 8: To understand what a positive affirmation is and understand why they are beneficial. 

Week 9: To explore friendship and what it means to be a good friend. 

News and Reminders:


  • Homework has been sent home please see your compass page for details. A new homework grid is now available. 
  • Take home reader books have also been sent home, please see your compass page for details.  
  • In week 9 on Wednesday 21st June Year 3 students will travel to Bunjil Place to watch the dress rehearsal of the school production. Please see compass for more details and to give consent for your child to attend. 

Celebration of Learning:

3C Presenting their Inquiry Project
3C calculating change
3C calculating change
3C Presenting their Inquiry Project
3C calculating change
3C calculating change
3D Inferring character feelings
3D Inferring
3D Inferring character feelings
3D Inferring
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3E Procedures
3A giving directions
3A giving directions
3A giving directions
3A giving directions