Specialist Subjects

PE . Auslan . Art


In PE classes our Grade 3-6 students have completed their Volleyball unit. Students have really progressed with their skills of setting and serving. It’s been great to see all students apply these skills into gameplay with quality encouragement and enthusiasm.

Our Grade 1/2 students have been chipping away at their skipping skills, trying to improve on the number of times they can skip independently without making a mistake. There’s been some really proud teaching moments where students who have never skipped before are getting up to 8 skips in a row! 

Catching has been the focus with our Prep students as they ensure they have their eyes on the ball and their hands ready. They have enjoyed practising with partners as well as playing small games in groups. Its hard to believe they are already halfway through their first year at school! They’ve grown so much in confidence and settled into school life beautifully!

Division Cross Country

Congratulations to Indy for her excellent efforts at the Division Cross Country. Not only did she run an impressive race but approached the finishing line with a big smile on her face. We are so proud of you. Well done!



Our signing skills have been super impressive so far this year in middle and senior school as we start to communicate personal facts about ourselves such as where we live, who lives in our house and describing the rooms/furniture inside our house. 

The prep - 2 students have been developing their skills in signing about their family members and describing their likes/dislikes as well as their appearances. We have continued revising the alphabet and signing numbers, trying to incorporate these into our full sentences. We are getting better at translating what others are signing and playing heaps of games to practise our skills.