Term 2 Events

Please see details below in regards to events that may be important to you/your child in 2023. Further information in regards to each event will be distributed via Compass closer to the event.
Term 2 9 Weeks
| Monday 24th April | Term 2 begins |
Tuesday 25th April | ANZAC Day | |
Friday 28th April | Interschool Sport Yr 5/6 AWAY vs Kurran | |
Monday 1st May | Zero Tolerance Against Bullying Week | |
Thursday 4th May | Final Golf Clinics
Fairy Bread in House Groups | |
Friday 5th May | District Cross Country | |
Monday 8th May | Take 3 for the Sea (Sustainability Project) Yr 5/6 | |
Tuesday 9th May | Junior Cross Country | |
Thursday 11th May | Mothers Day Stall
Be Fit Be Well Sports Speaker Yr 3/4 | |
Friday 12th May | Interschool Sport Yr 5/6 HOME vs Orchard Park
Mothers Day High Tea - 3.25 pm | |
15th - 19th May | Pie Drive (15th) BOOK FAIR | |
Tuesday 16th May | OPEN DAY - Enrolments Day 9.30 - 10.30 and 11.30 - 12.30 | |
Thursday 18th May | Grandparents Day (morning tea) | |
Friday 19th May | Interschool Sport BYE
State School Spectacular Rehearsal | |
Monday 22nd May | CURRICULUM DAY-(No School) | |
Friday 26th May | Interschool Sport Yr 5/6 AWAY vs Pakenham PS | |
Monday 29th May | Reconciliation Day Flag Raising Ceremony | |
Tuesday 30th May | World MS Awareness Day (wear orange) | |
Wednesday 31st May | Division Cross Country | |
Friday 2nd June | Interschool Sport HOME vs BUPS | |
Monday 5th June Tuesday 6th June Wednesday 7th June |
Camp Manyung Yr 3-6 | |
Tuesday 6th June | Teddy Bear Picnic Yr P-2 | |
Thursday 8th June | School Values Day | |
Friday 9th June | Lightning Prem | |
Monday 12th June | King's Birthday-No school | |
Tuesday 13th June | Yr 5/6 Sex Ed | |
Wednesday 14th June | Hot Chocolate/Donut Day | |
Thursday 15th June | Pie Drive Forms Due | |
Monday 19th June | Responsible Pet Ownership Program
Yr 5/6 Sex Ed | |
Tuesday 20th June | State Schools Spectacular Rehearsal | |
Thursday 22nd June | Whole School Excursion Pie Drive pick up 2.30pm-3.30pm | |
Friday 23rd June | End of Term 2 2.30pm finish |