Principal's Desk

From Mr Mati Azadzoi

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Congratulations to all of our award recipients for Week 5 and Week 6 . Brilliant work! 


Reconciliation Week/Flag Raising Ceremony and activities


On Friday 2nd of June, Ms Dyt along with Mackenzie, Isabelle and Noah attended Cardinia Shire Civic Centre to participate in a flag raising ceremony. Students also took part in a separate Cultural Leader's Day. All students did an awesome job representing Officer Primary School. Please see Facebook for some photos. Thank you for representing Officer Primary School proudly.


Within classrooms, all students engaged in activities as part of Reconciliation Week. All students developed their understanding of what 'reconciliation' means and the significance of it to all Australians. The theme for Reconciliation Week for 2023 is 'Be a Voice for Generations'. The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation.


3-6 Camp


Just a reminder that camp is approaching next week. Please ensure that you have read all the requirements as per Ms Waldron's communication sent previously. Please make sure that students practice packing/unpacking and managing their items alone. If you need to contact a child (for any urgent reason) please call the school and we can make arrangements.


Teddy Bear Picnic


On Tuesday 6th of June all Prep-2 students will join together during recess for a small picnic. All students are expected to bring in their favourite Teddy and share with their friends a little about their personal Teddy.


Values Day 8th of June


As we have revised our whole school values this Term, our students will work on activities within their classrooms and across all year levels to demonstrate how these revised values can be represented at school. Looking forward to some great examples of G.R.O.W.T.H. Pictures to follow!



New School Reports for Semester 1 and 2


We would like to inform our school community that our reports for this year will appear slightly different to previous years. Our goal is to ensure that they are easily understood by families and are comprehensive across all subjects. Reports will be published on COMPASS this year. Our key focus will be on student 'achievement' and future learning goals. We are open to feedback for Semester 2. There is more information in our Teaching and Learning section of the newsletter.


Please note: 12th of June is a Public Holiday. There will be no school for all students.


Happy Birthday to our June Birthdays


June Staff Birthdays: none


June Student Birthdays:


12 Amara Q

56 Charl M

56 Sienna D

56 Jeremy S

56 Olivia M