Stories from the Library

A New Chapter 

As our library collection continues to grow it is encouraging to see the reading culture at John Paul II thrive and expand. It will be exciting to display all the new resources in our new library later this year. The availability of so many new books provides current curriculum resources and supports the strong class literacy program. Leisure reading is a vital part of improving reading skills and our students now have an impressive range of new books encompassing many different genres to choose from. It is fantastic to see students enthusiastically borrowing many books in library lessons, with the most popular titles now having reservations from multiple students.


Our English Extension students, who are keen readers. are working on developing their own imaginative texts. Reading extensively allows students to continue to develop their writing skills. Maybe one day there will be a book in the John Paul II Library written by a past student.


Our library catalogue – Oliver - is available online. Everything available in our library can be viewed using the following link –


“Have you ever wanted a potion that will make your kids more intelligent?

It’s called “a book. Books create new neurons in a young person’s brain. 

Reading is muscle-building for the mind.

Ever wanted to give your kids the confidence to tackle life’s hard bits? Give them books on history, to show them humanity has faced challenges and survived.

Want your kids to have the imagination to mine the asteroids? Give them books to build their minds.

Want kids with empathy and compassion? Every book teaches kids to understand other people (and themselves) as they will be every character in that book.”


Jackie French, Australian Children's Laureate 2014/15. Jackie's writing career spans 25 years, over 140 books, 36 languages, and over 60 awards in Australia and overseas. We have many of her books available to borrow from our library.


Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian and English Extension 



Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian and English Extension