Getting to Know Col

Welcome Col to the JPII team!  

Col joins JPII as a Utility Officer working closely with John and Matt keeping our school looking very schmick!


Let's get to know Col!


Name: Col 


1. Position: Utility officer  


2. How do you like to spend your spare time?

I love spending time with my wife and my family . We are a busy house with 9 children .  

On the weekends, we are usually playing club soccer, go cart races in the backyard, eight ball, basketball, darts and board games and  tinkering around the garden . 

When I get to the beach love to have a surf.


3. How long have you worked at JPII?

I have been working for JPII  for a few years doing contract work. My wife worked here for 10 years previously. I’m now lucky to be working directly with John Paul II, when a position became available early on this year.


4. If you tossed a coin would you prefer it to land on 'Gardening' or 'Fixing things' or other?

 Honestly, I’m happy to do either side of the coin , both gardening and fixing things would be absolutely fine with me!


5. What are your unique attributes that you bring to the JPII team/community? 

I love working hard being on my feet , I like to see the sense of accomplishment and achievement when the job is done well and quickly.

It’s also nice to see the kids enjoying the space and being safe while playing.


6.  Favourite part of working in your position at JPII?

I can honestly say that I love all aspects of my job in J II . The staff, the children and the wider community is such a pleasure to be a part of.


7.  I heard you and your wife are foster carers.  Can you tell us a little about that?

My wife and I have been foster carers now for over 12 years,  looking after around 40 to 50 children in that time. We do permanent care, short term emergency care, respite and emergency respite carers. We now currently have 8 top foster children, 4  amazing biological and step children and 1 cheeky granddaughter of our own.


One of the most rewarding and challenging things rolled into one we have ever done, but wouldn’t change a thing. Seeing the children thrive in our environment and live life and life the way they should is priceless. 


8.  Any last word before the school bell goes............?  

One of my saying in life is 'Live the life you love, love the life you live'.



Thanks Col.  Enjoy your work at JPII!