Student Voice

with Kindergarten student Darcy

This fortnight we chat to Darcy, a delightful Kinder student.  Darcy was keen to share his thoughts with us about his time in Kinder - just 1 term and 3 weeks into his Kinder life!


Student Name:  Darcy 


Age: 5


Grade: Kinder


Suburb you live in: Up the road


What are your favourite activities to do at school?

I like to play with sticks with Evan, Aaviraj and Maddon in the playground. We pretend play Fortnite, we pretend swords.


What is your unknown hidden talent?

Kicking the footy and soccer ball.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Be in the Army.


What is your favourite thing about coming to school?

Seeing my friends Maddon and Aaviraj.


Who is your favourite Kinder teacher or assistant and why?

Mrs Lange is my favourite because she gives out golden tickets but I like Mrs Quilliam too. She is good at rhyming words. Mrs Hull is good too, she gives us good jobs. 


What have you learnt in Kinder so far?

We do group jobs. 

We have learnt the sound /s/ and /m/. 

We have done good cutting and lots of playing. 



Thank you Darcy, enjoy the rest of your Kindergarten year.