Deputy Principal

As we approach the last days of term, it is important to stop and reflect on how far we have come this term. I am immensely blessed to collaborate with dedicated staff who have worked hard to give the students and their families every opportunity to succeed in the academic, social, emotional, spiritual and co-curricular facets of the College. I have been blessed to work with our students and their families to also achieve these goals.
As you sit down and reflect on your son’s report, I encourage you to go through it with him and bring him along to Parent/Teacher Interviews over the next two days if you are in Years 5 to 10. These are important conversations where parents/carers, staff and students can realign their goals and ensure they are working towards a common goal of getting the best outcomes for your son.
I encouraged our students at our Assembly last week to take some time over the break to have some down time. That includes having a rest, seeing their friends, and saying thank you to you as parents/carers for the opportunities that you work so hard for to ensure that they can take advantage of all the opportunities they have been afforded here at the College.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy your time with your sons and I look forward to seeing you all in Semester 2.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal