Year Six
Dear Year Six Families,
Can you believe it is already Week Four of Term Two? It is crazy how fast this year is going. We have certainly had a busy first few weeks of term with Athletics Carnival, Three Way Conferences, Photo Day and transitioning between Units of Inquiry. We cannot wait to see where this term of learning takes us.
Unit of Inquiry Three
In the last fortnight, our Year Six cohort has begun our third Unit for the year under the Transdisciplinary Theme of 'How We Organise Ourselves'. The unit began with a fun and engaging provocation day which had students explore different government systems such as democracy, communism, anarchy and dictatorship. As the unit progresses, students will learn about how government systems may support the rights of citizens as they prepare themselves to run for Year Six Parliament.
Students have recently concluded the semester one Measurement and Geometry unit which investigated the sub-strand of Using Units of Measurement. With some wonderful results, students reflected on their experiences during Maths Groups.
"I enjoyed working with Miss Wetherill in maths groups, as she encouraged us to learn and achieve our goals based on our skill level."
- Harjaap Singh 6E
"I found investigating units of measurement challenging at times but with the help of my teachers, I was able to get through it" - Sriman Sridhara
Students have now started their new maths focus for Statistics and Probability by looking into Data Representation.
Our new writing focus has students analysing and writing newspaper articles. Students have started by looking into the structure and features of a newspaper. Through our inquiry focus, students will work towards writing newspaper articles about different governments, political parties and much more.
Week 3 saw our community come together to support our students learning in the Three Way Conferences. It was excellent to meet with families to develop the connection between school and home. All of our Year Six students presented their favourite pieces of work with pride as they displayed confidence and worked on their communication skills.
The Year Six Canberra Camp is quickly approaching with only one week to go. Students are eagerly preparing and asking plenty of questions about our upcoming trip. A notice will come out shortly with important information regarding our departure on Monday the 29th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher for assistance.
Daily Expectations
A reminder that students need to be wearing the correct Saltwater College uniform every day. This means no nail polish and/or hair out if longer than shoulder length. Students should be bringing their MacBooks in every day and they must be charged. As per the department's policy, all phones need to be handed in every morning prior to the start of class.
Kind Regards,
The Year Six Team