Leadership Report
Written by Joe Doyle
Leadership Report
Written by Joe Doyle
Welcome to Term Two, Week Four.
What a wonderful few weeks it has been at Saltwater College. It is so rewarding to see students smiling and laughing during their recess and lunch breaks as they respectfully interact with one another whilst outside.
Education Support Personnel Day (ES).
On behalf of the leadership team, we wish to honour and recognise the extraordinary Education Support (ES) staff at Saltwater College. We have many ES staff in varied roles across our school, whether it is classroom support, admin, cleaning, maintenance, sick bay, IT and anything in between. We are so thankful for everything they bring to our school. With their support, our college functions effectively as each member plays an important role.
On Tuesday 16 May, we honoured and recognised their amazing contribution to our school and to public education. Thank you to each and every one of our ES staff. We are so grateful to have you by our side.
Bike Safety
We have identified some common dangerous behaviours that pose a risk to the safety of our students when they are travelling to and from school and would like to reinforce the following expectations:
Members of the leadership team will be observing this situation closely on morning and afternoon gate duty. If a student isn’t meeting these expectations, families will be informed to ensure they are practising safe habits.
Additionally, the school is creating a policy outlining safe/expected behaviours when travelling to and from school and we will be communicating it with parents and the wider school community, once School Council have had the opportunity to review the policy.
Athletics Carnivals
Congratulations to all the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 students for their participation and exemplary behaviour on our recent Athletics Carnivals over the previous few weeks. Both days ran smoothly, largely because of the excellent organisation from our PE staff and well-coordinated efforts from teachers and students. It was fantastic to see all students being risk-takers and having a go at all the different events. A big thank you also to the many parent helpers who assisted throughout the day.
Student Led Conferences
It was fantastic to have families onsite for our Student Led Conferences last week. Teachers were incredibly proud of the way students shared their learning with their families. Please continue to login to Schoolbox throughout the term to see further pieces your child adds to their portfolio. You are able to comment on these pieces and acknowledge the amazing work students are producing.
Dogs In Schools
We would like to remind all families that dogs are not permitted within the school grounds at any time unless given approval by the Principal. The exception to this policy is for dogs that assist people with disabilities, such as Therapy Dogs and/or Wellbeing Dogs.
It is also not permitted to tether a dog at the school boundary fence. Owners must remain with their dogs, outside the school boundaries, at all times. Owners are entirely responsible for the dog’s behaviour and for cleaning up any mess left by the dog. We appreciate your support with ensuring the school is a safe space for all students and families.