What's Happening in Upper Division

Teachers:  Leah Miller,  Brad Hunt & Kirrily Hahn

Zone Cross Country

Congratulations to all of our students who competed at the PSSA Zone Cross Country in Armidale last Friday.  It is such an achievement to reach this level.  Well done!  Thanks also to Miss Miller for being there on the day to assist.

Grip Leadersip Conference

On Monday our Year 6 students attended the 2023 GRIP Leadership Conference at the Armidale Ex-Services Club along with over 250 other primary school leaders.  Students came from across the New England from Glen Innes to Inverell and down to Walcha.  Our students were provided with a range of activties and tasks to build their capacity as a school leader.  We look forward to hearing about their experiences at our assembly next week and we also are keen to see them use some of their new skills in the leadership roles.

UNE Discovery Bus

Last week we had a visit from the UNE Discovery Bus.  Both K-2 and 3-6 workshops were provided based on scientific and enquiry based learning approaches. The first workshop Upper Division participated in was using the Bee Bots to code them in directions on a board, at times with obstructions.  The second workshops was using their skills to use clues to decode problems.  The UNE instructors were so impressed with our reuslts, they gave our students the "adult" tasks and they were able to complete it!

Assembly Next Friday

Just a reminder that our first assembly for this term will be held next Friday 26th May.  We welcome everyone to come along and see our short presentation as part of the assembly.

Congratulations to our Art Camp Nominees

News Just In - Congratulations to Cailey, Naomi, Mel and Mackenzie on being accepted into the Arts Camp at Thalgarrah in the first week of June.  The girls will be attending the two day workshop and camp to extend on their artistic skills and to hopefully meet new like minded friends along the way.  We look forward to hearing about their experiences soon!


We have started our persuasive unit ‘Hey, Little Ant’ by making connections to our prior knowledge and predicting what the front cover of the text might look like. 









The students created a mosaic poppy and reflected on ANZAC and Remembrance Day as being one of Australia’s most important commemorations. It is a day to pause, remember and reflect upon the sacrifices made by all servicemen and servicewoman, both past and present. 


We also created a newspaper advertisement ‘for’ or ‘against’ Federation. Students looked at the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of moving forward as a nation or staying as separate states.


Creative Arts

In Visual Arts Students we have been looking at artworks by Piet Mondrian and appreciating the ways that he has used colour, line, shape and texture. Using these elements, students created an abstract composition using line and primary colours.


Leah Miller and Brad Hunt