What's Happening in Lower Division?

Georgia Brown and Kirrily Hahn

LD have had a busy start to Term 2! We have been artists, scientists, writers and mathematicians. We enjoyed reading Don't let the Pigeon drive the bus! and DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK AGAIN. LD then had to create a comic to persuade their parents to buy them a pet using drawings, persuasive language and speech bubbles. Have you been convinced to get a dog, cat, fish or dragon at home? Below are some pictures of our pigeons we learnt to draw and our comics. 


In Maths we have been working hard by collaborating on our Number Sense strategies before learning with our stages. Today marks 67 days of school, we look forward to celebrating in 43 days. 

UNE Discovery Bus

LD thoroughly enjoyed being scientists for the morning when the UNE Discovery bus came to visit last week. LD, managed to escape the room by cracking codes relating to the periodic table, the number of animals and using a ultraviolet light. Did you know that shining an ultraviolet light on a platypus makes the animal’s fur fluroscent with a greenish-blue tint? 

LD also had the opportunity to code Beebots around and through obstacles. We coded the Beebots to go forward, backwards, left and right. This linked with our position unit which Ms Hahn is teaching in Maths this term. 

We look forward to sharing all our wonderful work we have created and learnt this term. 


We would like to thank Mr Ward for his hard work and dedication to LD! He has worked hard to ensure that all students have been engaged and shared his knowledge of rugby skills with us. We wish Mr Ward all the best with his learning journey and career. 

