Information To Begin A New School Year
At St Martin's we place great value on communication between our students, teachers, families and the community.
We have 6 key means of communicating:
OPEROO (formally CareMonkey) - Personal profiles of every student are maintained by parents/carers in this online portal. All student medical and parent contact details, injury reports when a child is hurt at school, permission forms for all excursions or events, policy documents that require signatures (photography/video permissions, Technology Agreements, Community Code of Conduct etc).
FLEXISCHOOLS APP - Reminders, school operational information, school calendar alerts and reminders and where student absences are logged by parents. Must be updated at the beginning of each year to current class, grade level and whole school to get alerts and messages.
Fortnightly Newsletter - information about and a celebration of whole school learning, information about events, current.
SEESAW - Simple way for teachers and students to record and share what's happening in the classroom. Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, and parents to see and respond to their child's learning. This is activated early in the new school year by the class teacher sending each family an invite to sign up.
School Website - Information, policies, celebration of learning, information for prospective families, where remote learning and student reports are accessed.
Phone the Office - For information not provided elsewhere, for a message to be delivered to a child in real time ( a different pick up arrangement, a change to after school meeting place, etc).
School Uniform
Being a member of the St Martin de Porres community comes with a responsibility to wear our correct school uniform proudly. Here is our St Martin de Porres Uniform Policy.
These are the options for Summer uniform.
These are the options for Sports uniform.
Pricing and details can be found on the NOONE website link. PleaseCLICKhere.
School hats must be worn at all times for outdoor learning and play from September 1st to the 30th of April whenever the UV index is 3 or above.
Applying sunscreen before leaving home in the mornings is a great habit to get into and a safe and healthy practice.
At St Martin's we have a "No Hat, No Play" policy and students without hats must spend their lunch and playtimes under the verandah by the church.
Sports days for wearing Sports Uniform
Prep/One, Year 2 and Years 3 & 4 wear sports uniforms every Wednesday and Thursday.
Years 5 & 6 wear sports uniform on Thursdays only.
Child Safe and Community Code of Conduct
At St Martin de Porres we are committed to nurturing respectful relationships and active partnerships with you as parents. We believe that our students’ learning journeys are enriched through positive and reciprocal home and school relationships. Parents act as one of the most influential role models in their child’s life. We seek your support in promoting and upholding the core values of the School Community Code of Conduct.
The SMDP Community Code of Conduct is intended to guide you in your dealings with staff, other parents, students and the wider school community. It articulates the school’s key expectations of both staff and parents with regard to respectful relationships and behaviours. It also specifies the school’s position with regard to unacceptable behaviours that breach our culture of respect.The Code of Conduct is provided to each family via OPEROO at the beginning of each year. It requires acknowledgement on behalf of all members of your family over the age of 18 years to display behaviours that safeguard students, young people and other members of the school community at SMDP.
A copy of the SMDP Community Code of Conduct can be found here.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) User Agreement
We are committed to creating and sustaining a community that is learning centred, deeply caring and engaging while providing best contemporary practice. This extends to the use of digital technologies and online communities. We recognise the need for students to be safe and responsible users of digital technologies. We believe that explicitly teaching students about safe and responsible online behaviours is essential and is best taught in partnership with parents / carers.
All have responsibilities in ensuring safe and appropriate use of technology and an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) User Agreement is provided to each student's family via OPEROO at the beginning of each school year.
It requires acknowledgement of both parent and child to comply with the terms of acceptable use and expected standards of behaviour set out within this Agreement.
A copy of the ICT User Agreement can be found here.
School Fees
Fee statements for 2021 will be sent to all families beginning Monday 8th February.
Details about payment options will be provided.
The 2021 fee schedule can befound here.
Denise Kelly
Deputy Principal/Learning & Teaching Leader