Year 9 Swanston Street

Temporary off-site relocation of Year 9 Students  

The fire to the South Building over the holidays presented a number of significant challenges in the lead up to the start of the term. One particular challenge, was securing additional classrooms for teaching and learning to replace those that were damaged in the fire. Through the support of Trinity College and Carlton Primary School, we successfully relocated approximately 600 Year 8 and 9 students across three separate locations – all close by to UHS. Whilst the Sites are temporary in nature, the school is enormously grateful for the opportunity to have access to these first class facilities. 


We are now in our fifth week at the Year 9 Site (715 Swanston Street, Carlton) and it’s starting to feel a lot more familiar and very much like a school. Below aims to provide an snapshot of the students experiences to date. These were sourced during week 4 via a survey and reflect common themes in the feedback. 


What are you enjoying about being at the new Year 9 Site?

  • The wonderful parks close by that we get to hang out at during break times.
  • We are always in the same room for our classes – less moving around between sessions.
  • I like that everything is close by. Makes it easier to interact with one another and hang out.
  • Great WIFI.
  • The selection of board games and card games to play during breaks.
  • Having classes in the lecture rooms.
  • Hang out with people in our own year level – supports a greater opportunity to make new friends.
  • The space is clean and there are plenty of spaces to chill out and relax inside.
Playing Monopoly during the breaks
Playing Uno during the breaks
Playing Board Games during the breaks
Table Tennis during the breaks
Playing Monopoly during the breaks
Playing Uno during the breaks
Playing Board Games during the breaks
Table Tennis during the breaks

What do you enjoy doing the most during breaks (in order of popularity)?

  • Play Uno / cards
  • Hang out and catch up with friends
  • Play down ball
  • Play table tennis
  • Play video games
  • Play board games
  • Do homework

The accompanying photo’s reflect the students playing games and hanging out during the breaks.


Aaron Coyle - Year 9 Site Leader