Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 February
Remote Learning
Thursday 25 February
Swimming Carnival
Monday 1 March
Student FREE Day - Staff Professional Development Day
Monday 8 March
Labour Day
Tuesday 9 March
3 Way Conferences
Sunday 21 March
Year 12 Presentation Ball
Thursday 1 April
Final day Term 1
Senior School Coordination Team
Head of Senior School and Year 12
Janine Sayers
Head of Year 11
Daniel Toma
Assistant Year 12 Coordinators
- Mark Beatson
- Robin Kirkpatrick
- Caitlin Wiles
Assistant Year 11 Coordinators
- Jodie Street
- Jye Cuff
Senior School Assistant
Jenny McLean
2021 Captains
School Captains
Molly Keyhoe
Brendan Kirk
Year 12 Captains
Emily Gerdes
Emma Darke
Year 11 Captains
Alesia Jensen
Ben Westh
Year 11 Vice Captains
Leakhena Davison
Allison Kincaid
Year 12 Retreat
On the first day back at school, our Year 12 students attended a study retreat. Students participated in sessions on developing essential study habits and revision skills, and building relationships with their peers and teachers.
They also experienced an engaging and inspirational talk from cinematographer and ex-student, Michael Lincoln who has worked on some major projects with stars such as; Tyler The Creator.
Michael discussed the importance of being confident, working hard, goal setting and networking to achieve future dreams.
School Photo Day
Year 11 Surf Camp
A group of Year 11 students went on the VCE PE Surf Camp during Week 2 (3 - 5 February).
The camp proved a great start to the year, providing students with opportunities to surf, participate in beach activities, study and form positive relationships with each other and with staff.
Outdoor and Environmental Studies Camp
Year 10 and 11 students enjoyed fantastic weather as they hiked the 2 Bays Trail and snorkelled at Mornington Peninsula. This was a great way for the Unit 1 and 3 students to begin their studies of outdoor environments.
Rotary Exchange student returns from France
Emma Darke has returned to LHS as a Year 12 student this year after completing an incredibly eventful year abroad as an exchange student in France. Emma has slipped seamlessly back into school here and said, that she loved the experience which was organised through Rotary.
She managed to travel extensively throughout France and Spain in-between learning fluent French during 3 lockdowns. She is proud of how she developed her independence and resilience over 2020.
Currently all students in secondary schools must wear masks indoors.
We ask that all Year 11 and 12 students bring a mask from home each day to school.
VCE Jumpers
A reminder to Year 12 students, VCE jumpers are still available if you missed out on ordering one last year.
As we don’t have samples this year, please ask a friend to try theirs on for size, before placing an order at the VCE Office.
VCE Students and Cars
Some students will acquire a car and licence in 2021. PARKING is available in the Stadium Car Park.
Students may obtain their parents’ permission to be driven to and from school in another student’s car. A written note from both students’ parents must be given to the VCE Coordinators before driving another student or siblings.
Students must inform the VCE Coordinators of their licence plate numbers and car make and colour.
Uniform Requirements
As per the school uniform policy, students are not to wear any facial piercings. This includes clear piercings.
Students also need to ensure that they wear white socks without logos.
All Senior School uniform requirements are available through LOWES.
VCE Attendance
It is a requirement at Lilydale High School that students attend all timetabled classes so that teaching and learning opportunities can be maximised.
If students have reached their limit for absences from class, there is an opportunity for this time to be redeemed. Students can speak to their Year Level Coordinator to discuss making this time up at lunchtime, during afternoon Study Periods or after school.
Furthermore, it is a requirement that students attend Home Group, even if they have Study Periods, Periods 1 and 2.
Absences on Compass
Any absences from school must be parent/guardian approved. You can do this through a signed note or you can approve your child’s absences via the Parent Approval Button on Compass.
You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences.
VCE SAC Redemption
Students will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate or it is a school-approved absence.
If there are extenuating circumstances please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.
Funky Socks Friday and Year 12 Breakfast
Funky Socks Friday is back this year and kicked off last week! All Year 12 students are invited to wear ‘funky socks’ each Friday for a gold coin donation.
The Year 12 cohort will donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice.
In addition to this, a Year 12 Breakfast will be held in the VCE Centre every Friday morning from 8.00 am.
VCE Coordinators