Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 February

Remote Learning


Thursday 25 February

School Swimming Carnival


Friday 5 March

Year 10 Immunisations


Monday 8 March

LABOUR DAY - Public Holiday


Tuesday 9 March

3 Way Conference Day


Thursday 1 April

END OF TERM 1 - 2.30 pm FINISH


Middle School Coordination Team

Head of Middle School and Year 10

Elizabeth Nevins 


Head of Year 9

Riana Asta


Assistant Year 9 Coordinators

  • Narelle McGrotty
  • Maddy Ignatiadis

Assistant Year 10 Coordinators

  • Michael Bourne
  • Koriena Lee

Middle School Assistant

Lauren Kelso 

2021 Captains

Year 10 Captains

Laura Bentley

Oscar Geddes


Year 10 Vice Captains

Beau Hourn

Caitlin Atwill


Year 9 Captains

Olivia Bradshaw

Serena Walker


Year 9 Vice Captains

Indii Peacock

Josh Clark

Welcome Back

Middle School welcomes back all of the returning students and we hope that new students to LHS are settling in to their new surrounds. 


We are sure you all had a refreshing holiday and are looking forward to a very enjoyable and productive year in Middle School.


A reminder to all students, please make sure you are wearing the correct school uniform every day and NO FACIAL piercings. This includes clear piercings.


Mobile phones must be kept locked in lockers at all times throughout the school day. 


Sanctions will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school, wearing the incorrect uniform (without a note from a parent/guardian) or wearing a facial piercing.


Parents and guardians, if you need to contact your child throughout the day please contact the Middle School Office and a message will be forwarded to your child.


Currently students in secondary schools must wear masks indoors.  


We ask that all Year 9 and 10 students bring a mask from home each day.

S and N Policy

Although it is early in the school year, we would like to give all parents and students a reminder of the School’s S and N policy.


We expect all students are:

  • punctual to class
  • be prepared with books and resources
  • be positive and have a ‘can do’ attitude
  • be persistent and not give up easily
  • complete and submit all of the work set
  • complete assessments
  • and complete and submit all homework

 Code of Conduct 

These sessions were held during Week 2 and 3 for all Year 9 and 10 students. The sessions outlined the school rules, student rights and responsibilities, expectations of students and strategies and techniques that will best enable students to perform at a high level.

Charge Your Device

A friendly reminder to students to make sure that devices are fully charged when they come to school.  Your device is a really important learning tool that should be ready to use every day.

Student Absences

It is DEECD (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) policy that all student absences are accounted for.


Please assist us to fulfil our legal obligations by parent approving absences on COMPASS or by calling the School Absence Line 9735 5644.


You are reminded that you can communicate with the sub school office by phone regarding absences.  Also, the school should be contacted if it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days.


Parents and guardians who may have forgotten their Compass username and password, can contact Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office.

School FACEBOOK page

To keep up to date with daily and weekly NEWS AND EVENTS at Lilydale High School, we encourage parents/guardians, students and the wider school community to LIKE and follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.

Year 10 Captains' Report

With the shock of 2020 still passing through the students, it was doubtful that the start of this year could be considered normal in any way, shape or form. That observation however, turned out more incorrect than I personally could guess. 


First off, there was not a mask in sight walking through the school gates. It seemed odd, but still astounding in its normality.  For a few sweet hours we could forget that last year had even happened and concentrate on our work. 


Speaking of classes, a sizable portion of Year 10 students had elected to sample VCE subjects for the first time.  From observation, the challenge is welcome. 


It's been great to see all our friends and catch up after the holidays, but aside from new lockers, nothing has really changed. 


That brief sense of familiarity was short-lived. It was unfortunate, really, as I’m assuming the majority of us woke up, and got a text from our parents, maybe they said it to our face, but the message was all the same, masks are back for school.  And that was when we realised that we still had a pandemic to deal with. However, we were lucky enough to still be able to gather together as a year level again, showing off our fancy new post-lockdown haircuts for photo day and Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct session gave us a reminder of our rights and responsibilities as a student and to meet our coordinators for the year.


With everything said and done, we look forward to the, no doubt, better year that is 2021.  


Oscar Geddes & Laura Bentley


Middle School Coordinators