Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 February

Remote Learning


Thursday 25 February

School Swimming Carnival


Monday 1 March

Student FREE DAY - Staff Professional Development Day


Thursday 4 March

Year 7 Immunisations


Monday 8 March

LABOUR DAY - Public Holiday


Tuesday 9 March

3 Way Conference Day


Monday 22 March

Year 7 Camp 1 (22 to 24)


Wednesday 24 March

Year 7 Camp 2 (24 to 26)


Thursday 1 April

END OF TERM 1 - 2.30 pm FINISH


Junior School Coordination Team

Head of Year 7

Mr Neumann


Head of Year 8

Mr Nicholls 


Assistant Year  Level Coordinators

  • Eleni Stavrou
  • Andrew Rogers
  • Morgan Wyatt
  • Cindy Harris

Junior School Assistants

Kerri Skewes and Kerrie O'Rourke

Year 8 Captains

Year 8 Captains

Taylah Mae Gundry

Amber O'Keefe


Year 8 Vice Captains

Mackenzie Reid

Astin Carroll

Welcome Back Year 8 students 

We would like to welcome back all students from last year and to the new students and staff members.


We are sure you all had a wonderful time during the school holidays are looking forward to a very enjoyable and productive year.

Welcome to Year 7  

We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 7 at Lilydale High School. 

Our Junior School Office has an open door policy. Students are welcome to come in and discuss any queries or concerns they may have.  


We have sporting equipment for students to borrow during recess or lunch.  A number of lunchtime activity clubs run throughout the year which students are encouraged to attend. 



Compass is our main way of communicating.  It is imperative that you have access to your Compass account.  If you are having difficulties logging in, please contact the Junior School Office or IT department.  


Notices, general information, payment for interschool sport, camps, events, etc are available via Compass.  You can also view classes, absences, work requirements, reports.  


You may email your child's teachers directly if you have any concerns with regard to class work.  


Student Absences

It is DET (Department of Education & Training) policy that all student absences be accounted for.  


If your child is absent, there are several ways to assist us to fulfil our legal obligations and approve any outstanding absences by:   

  • Logging in to Compass to approve an absence
  • Calling the Junior School Absence Line
  • Providing a note to the Home Group Teacher

If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days, please communicate this with the Junior School Office.


You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences. 


If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact Kerri Skewes and Kerrie O'Rourke  in the Junior School Office.



As a number of valuable items (device, mobile, wallets, etc) are left in students’ lockers throughout the day, it is imperative that students padlock their locker to ensure items do not go missing.   Locks can be purchased from the School Office for $10.00


Devices - Chromebooks

It is important that your child charges their device overnight as they will not be able to charge it at school.  Our IT Department assisted students throughout the first week of school, to ensure they had their login details.


Mobile Phones

Mobile phones must be kept locked in lockers at all times throughout the school day. Sanctions will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school. 


If you need to contact your child throughout the day please contact the Junior School Office and a message will be forwarded to your child.


For any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Junior School Office on 9735 5644.  


If you wish to meet with a Coordinator, it is recommended to call to make an appointment as Coordinators are often teaching or dealing with student issues. We look forward to a rewarding year ahead.


Currently students in secondary schools must wear masks indoors.  


We ask that all Year 7 and 8 students bring a mask from home each day.

Friendly Face Badges

The 'Friendly Face Badges' you might see students wearing at school, means that students can go up to the students and ask for help finding their way around the school.


This idea was created by Year 9 Captain, Olivia Bradshaw.


If students would like to be part of the Friendly Faces, they can ask their Home Group teacher and they will arrange a badge for them.

Mackenzie Reed 8A

Year 7 Community Project

Every Tuesday during Period 5, Year 7 students will participate in activities that aim to promote connectedness within the school community.


There are 6 focus themes to the program:

  • Peer Support
  • Study Skills
  • School Values
  • Wellbeing
  • School Pride
  • Community Cup

Year 7 Phillip Island Camp  

Your child should now have received a notice for the Year 7 Phillip Island Camp. 


Payment and consent for this event is due by Monday 22 February, 2021.


Please note that the Confidential Medical Form must be returned to the Junior School Office or Home Group teacher - this CANNOT BE COMPLETED ONLINE.


To view the details of upcoming events please click below:


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Junior School Office. 

Celebrating Student Achievements

If there is an achievement that happens in your child's life outside of school, please let us know, as we would like to acknowledge their success.


For example, sporting achievements, musical successes… anything!


Launch into High School

Thank you to the parents who attended Launch into High School and the subsequent morning teas.  


The new Year 7s were very attentive and engaged during the sessions that outlined student expectations at Lilydale High School.


We look forward to a year of collaborative, supportive and positive relationships with both students and families.

Year 7 Getting to Know You

On Tuesday 2 February, the Year 11 Peer Support students ran a speed dating activity for the Year 7s, to help them get to know the other students in their Home Room.


Below are the students in 7H.

Junior School Playgrounds

Junior School students enjoying lunchtime in the NEW outdoor area of the Zoology Centre and the Junior School Playground.

School FACEBOOK page

To keep up to date with daily and weekly NEWS AND EVENTS at Lilydale High School, we encourage parents/guardians, students and the wider school community to LIKE and follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.

Junior School Coordinators