Welcome to the 2021 Instrumental Music Department, particularly to our new students and Year 7s.
Our Instrumental Music teachers have been busy sorting out enrolments and timetables and while some lessons began the first week of school, most will have started up last week.
Unfortunately not all enrolment requests could be fulfilled, particularly with percussion and saxophone. We do encourage students to have a chat with us to perhaps consider another instrument.
Welcome to Kizzy Davies who will be taking our new Voice students. Kizzy has a wealth of knowledge in this area and is a very talented performer.
Mrs Bronwyn Ventura, Miss Celeste Wells, Mr Malcolm Abbott, Miss Katy Daivis, Shai Martin and Stephen McCulloch are all chomping at the bit to get started with what looks to be a fun-filled year of music!
Bands and Ensembles
Most of our Bands and Ensemble rehearsals will commence during this term with rehearsals for our beginning Rookie Band will commencing in Term 2. Your teacher will let you know details about these rehearsals.
New students and Year 7 Students to the program, need to check Compass weekly for lesson times.
Instruments can be brought to the 'Instrument Storage Room' in the PAC before school, on the lesson day and collected after Period 6.
If you are hiring a school instrument, your teacher will give you a hire notice which needs to be completed and returned with payment to the School Office by the end of February. Your instrument then needs to be ‘borrowed’ through the library loan service.
Re-enrolment Forms
Re-enrolling students in Years 8 – 12, need to complete and submit either an online enrolment or a hard copy form available from the PAC Office.
Lesson days also need to be checked as some of these have changed since last year.
Hire Fees
Please also make sure that you have completed and submitted hire fees by the end of February and made payment arrangements for private tuition fees (if applicable) with your relevant teacher.
If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Instrumental Music Coordinators, Amy Cumming or Jacki Goode.
“Music can change the world”, Beethoven