Year 9 Ceramics 

Students in Ms Hovanjec’s class, have been creating ceramic coral reef pieces that demonstrate movement, rhythm, repetition and/or pattern using applied and impressed texture.


Artist, Courtney Mattison has inspired our students to create some amazing designs


Clay Club

The Ceramics Room (Room 3) will be open every Thursday lunchtime, for students interested in being creative with clay. 


Come with an idea or jump in and see where it takes you.  All year levels welcome.

Ms Young and Ms Hovanjec

Art Club  

Art Club will be running again this year, every Tuesday lunchtime in Room 4.


If students love Art and want to meet other students who also love art, please join us in Room 4.  You can participate in weekly activities or bring along your own creative ideas. 


Last Tuesday, Art Captains Monique Waterhouse and Aly Hogeboom ran a Mandala and Zen-tangle activity.


Sarah Hardy

Head of Arts