Welcome to
Student Wellbeing
Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development, and are optimised by safe, supportive and respectful learning environments.
Jane Robbins and Rob Webb are the Student Wellbeing Coordinators for 2021.
We are very happy to announce that Kate Fisher has joined the Student Wellbeing Team, as a full time Mental Health Practitioner.
Kate will be working alongside Jane and Rob to assist in supporting students and the school community.
If your son or daughter is struggling with any issues either at home or at school, they are welcome to make an appointment to speak to a Wellbeing Coordinator. They can do so either in person or through their Year Level Coordinators.
Parents and carers are also welcome to contact Wellbeing directly with any concerns they may have or to make an appointment by calling the School Office on 9735 5644.
Jane Robbins, Rob Webb, Kate Fisher and
Candice Richards
Student Wellbeing Team