What's been happening this term?

Polyfest 2023 & Jump Rope for Heart

Polyfest 2023

On June 15th, Woodland Road Public School had the pleasure of participating in the 2023 Polyfest, hosted by and at Ambarvale High School. Woodies students in years 3-5 learnt 2 Polynesian dances in 3 weeks; only 2.5 hours of practice in total! To say they were magnificent and passionate is an understatement. 

Well done to the following students for putting in such an incredible effort:

Jay-Z Agir - K/6C

Caitlin Bohocki - 3/4P

Valasi Sapini - 3/4P

Hayleigh McCreanor - 4/5L

Annabelle Kelly - 4/5L

Stephanie Evans - 4/5L

Phillip Rao - 4/5L

Payton Sanderson - 4/5L



Jump Rope for Heart

This term we have been raising money for Jump Rope for Heart. As a school, we managed to raise $4378 for the Heart Foundation. That's a whopping $378 over our $4000 goal!

We had some fun jumping around in Week 9 to celebrate passing our goal amount. Check out some photos below.