From the Principal 

Week 8 Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


This is the last newsletter for the term!! I would like to thank everyone for making this term a wonderful term of learning and fun. Every day when I walk into the classrooms I am amazed at the level of learning that is taking place. The children are challenged in such a variety of ways. Last week I walked into  5/6 classroom and one of the students was explaining algebra to some of his class mates. This was definitely  at a level above Yr 5/6 expectations. A day later I walked into the Yr Prep classroom and the children are counting down to their 100 days of school.  In preparation for this they were looking at the variety of ways 100 (and numbers leading up to 100) can be presented. Being challenged is an important part of learning and an important part of life.  

Mrs Silvers is organising a Maths day in Term 4 where parents will be invited along to be involved in a variety of different maths activities. That day will be run in conjunction with MACS.


On a social/fun note, thank you to the Parents Association for the events like Mother's Day stall and dinner as well as the many different lunch order days that the children get so excited about.  St Bede's is and will always be a strong community and this is what makes our school attractive to parents seeking enrolment for their child.


During the holidays  it is expected that the new playground will be installed as well as some small renovations to the 5/6 area. (5/6J and 5/6A). Let's  hope all goes to plan!!!  


Larissa in her Deputy page has mentioned our Parent Teacher  Interviews as well as our Professional Learning Day. Please note that Wednesday 21st of June is the last day of term. The term will finish at the usual time of 3.15pm.


Term 3 will commence on Monday 10th July at 8.45am


Have a wonderful holiday and see you next term

