Cranbourne Campus News

What an action-packed couple of weeks! 


Well done to all students on completing a busy assessment period. As they continue to learn effective revision techniques, and reflect on areas for growth, we are encouraged by the feedback the examinations provide. A huge thank you to the Curriculum Team and Office staff for getting the exams sorted. It has been a pleasure seeing how the Years 10-12 students  navigated their studies and exams during this time. 


Year 10 Work Experience

Our Year 10s returned to school after experiencing a variety of different workplaces during the last week. There was a bit of a buzz about many of the opportunities, and a big thank you goes to Ms Dillon for assisting with the organising of this experience for students. 


Year 11 SWAC

Year 11 students participated in Safe Partying and Fit to Drive sessions last week. Sonya Kerras gave key advice around the importance of looking out for one another when at parties, and the Fit to Drive sessions enabled students to increase their literacy around road safety. 


Casey Womens Mentor Breakfast 

Year 11 students Ellisha Nadan and Leaia Fono took the opportunity on June 2nd to attend the Casey Womens Mentor Breakfast at Bunjil Drive, Narre Warren. They were connected to mentors in industries they are interested in entering in the future, getting the opportunity to ask them questions about pathways and career options. We are grateful our students are given such opportunities and take it upon themselves to invest in their future.


SIS Sport 

Congratulations to all of the students and staff that represented the College through the term for SIS Sport. Being a bit of a sport-nuffy and (relatively) competitive person myself, it is amazing to see the level of both physical and team-based skills on display through these opportunities. A massive thank you goes to Ms Sarif and Mr Murphy for teeing up these experiences for students, as well as all of the coaches. 


Breakfast Club reminder 

One more to go next week on Thursday morning in the Donnelly building. Pop in to see our Social Justice leader Miss Tan, and Ms King for a feed!



Sarah Hogan

Acting Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus